Dear Students
My name is Dawn Sutherland and I am a Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba. I am currently conducting a research study that is exploring the protective factors involved in completing a bachelor of education degree during and after a pandemic and how the pandemic impacted the stress level of students in the last month of their program and their self-efficacy in teaching.
I am particularly interested in Canadian education students who:
- Are in an after-degree bachelor of education program (sometimes referred to as consecutive) and
- Are in their graduating year of education.
In Spring 2023 a secure Qualtrics survey will be made public and I am asking students in education to participate. The questionnaire is completely voluntary and anonymous. Completing the questionnaire will only take 15 minutes. All responses from completed questionnaires will be collated and entered into SPSS where they will be analyzed.
Using your computer or phone please go to the following untrackable, anonymous Qualtrics link where a full description of the research project is provided.
You will be asked to provide your consent after having read the description and then asked to complete the demographic, teacher self-efficacy and stress related questions. You can quit the questionnaire at any time, incomplete questionnaires will not be used in the final analysis. If you have any questions about this research prior to participating you are free to contact me at dawn.sutherland@umanitoba.
This research has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus and the Survey Review Committee. As well, this project has received secondary review from your institution.
If you have any concerns or complaints about this project you may contact any of the above-named persons or the Human Ethics Coordinator at 204-474-7122 or
Thank You.
Dawn Sutherland, Ph.D
Associate Dean-Faculty of Graduate Studies and
Professor-Faculty of Education
University of Manitoba
R3T 2N2