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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Message From Our Program Chair, Dr. Michael Hoechsmann - To All B.Ed Professional Program Students

Welcome back for the Winter term!

I wanted to provide you with some updates:

1)    Provincial Math Proficiency Test (MPT)

There continues to be a total lack of clarity around the administration of the MPT, including when a pilot will be run and who will administer it (at first it was going to be the universities, then the colleges, now perhaps a private entity). The last word had been that the pilot would take place near the end of February, but the prospects for that are dim. This is out of our hands, but we continue to look out for your interests.

To the best of our understanding, the test will be piloted at some point before the end of April and a first official sitting will be planned in the late Spring. Just to remind you, passing the pilot constitutes a fulfillment of the MPT requirement.

As most of you know, the content requirements of the MPT were changed to correspond to the K-9 Math curriculum (not the K-11 Math curriculum, as previously declared).

2)    Teacher Job Action and Upcoming Practicums

We continue to move forward with the hope that Winter placements will not be disrupted by job action resulting from contract negotiations between teacher unions and the government. Early indications are that teacher candidates are valued partners and will only be denied access to practicum in the case of school closures resulting from strikes.

Again, we deal with uncertainty, but we can only work with what we know, so we should all assume that practicums will continue as expected. In the case of disruption, however, we will keep in close contact. It is advisable that you not make unbreakable plans for the week or so after the end of the practicum in case it is necessary to add in any further days (this is our usual rule of thumb too, in case of illness, etc.).

Finally, in the case of work to rule conditions, you have been advised to carefully follow the instructions of your ATs. Do not overstep your role as an apprentice teacher.

3)    Program Schedule and Room Allocations

At this point, the program office will not consider any further schedule changes. We reviewed the Winter schedules in December, offered to make some changes, were vetoed by students or instructors in some cases, and were successful in a couple. We have also made a couple of adjustments in the past week (you know who you are).

In general, we are sympathetic to some residual discontent, but we are rooted here in North Simcoe and dealing with various structural constraints. Perhaps it will help you to know that we have fought to keep your required courses in daytime hours, despite some institutional pressures to make greater use of the nighttime hours.

4)    Vending Machines

It seems as though the new coffee machine is a hit. It will be even more so in the deep freeze days. As for the food machine, I have been in contact with conference services to advocate for some healthy snacks (and, by popular demand, more cookies).

Best wishes for a successful semester. Be kind to yourself and others.

Dr. Michael Hoechsmann, Program Chair


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